Thursday 5 May 2011

A day in the life...

I know that life is busy. I have been told time and time again, "Alli, you really need to learn to say no." I guess this is a lesson that I have yet to learn, because I have still signed up for way too many things yet again this weekend. Anyways, I thought I would give blogging a try - to share laughs, thoughts, stories, and thoughts about my ever expanding education.

Yes, I am an educator, but being a first year teacher has taught me that there is WAY more learning than teaching involved in this career. So I thought I would find a way to share some of things that I have learned.

For example... this week, I learned that children NEED to be outside. This week, the powers that be decided to plan a voting station, grandparents day program, spring program, open house, and spring bazaar, all in one. Tell me about crowd control. On top of this, our students were all crammed into one half of the playground, and then it rained - meaning that we started off the week with two full days of indoor recess. Indoor recess = INSANITY! So by Tuesday afternoon, I already had a pretty bad headache. After spending a morning recess in the classroom, a caring coworker ordered me out of the classroom during lunch. After a MUCH needed break in the staffroom, I decided to venture back up... as I walked the halls I heard balls bouncing, kids screaming, and things crashing... these are all noises typical of 6A, so I started praying on my way to the class, "PLEASE let nothing be broken!" To my delight, when I turned the corner into my class, I came upon all of my students sitting in a circle with the desks shoved to the side, playing an INTENSE game of "mafia" - absolute shining moment in my VERY short teaching career thus far :)

Anyways, my feet, hands, eyes, and head are tired, so it's time for bed. Keep in touch!